SBI CLERK 2018 English Quiz No- 12 “Common Error”

English Common Error Practice questions for SBI ClerkEnglish practice questions for banking exams,English New pattern Questions for SBI Clerk prelims Exam 2018 , English Practice questions for SBI Clerk … Here is a quiz being provided by IdeticEdu to let you practice the best of latest pattern English Questions.

1. Some of our staff is worried (1)/that as soon as (2)/the project is over they (3)/ will lose their
jobs. (4)/ No error (5)

2. If you decide to hold (1)/ the function in Kolkata (2)/ not much of us (3) / will be able to attend.
(4)/No error (5).

3. In case you need five people (1)/ to run a branch you (2)/ should be selected (3)/ ten since some
may leave. (4)/ No error (5)

4. Although he approached (1)/many private businesses to invest (2)/ in his printing business (3)/
nobody was interested (4)/No error (5).

5. How can you give up (1)/ this job when you are (2)/ just about to be (3) / appointed for General
Manager? (4)/ No error (5).

6. Base on the research (1) / we have conducted in (2)/ different parts of the country (3)/ this
scheme will be successful (4). No error (5).

7. I want to share (1)/ my experience with you (2)/ though you will (3)/ benefit from it (4)/. No
error (5)

8. He used to advise (1)/ his students to do (2)/ their work serious if they (3)/ wanted to achieve
their goals (4). No error (5).

9. Any of these branches do (1)/ not require more than (2)/ two employees since they (3)/ have
been recently established (4). No error (5)

10. He encouraged us to (1)/ think but none of the (2)/ suggestions we made was (3)/ discussed at
the meeting (4). No error (5).


1. Ans (1): As the subject of the sentence is plural, it will take Plural Verb. Hence, ‘Some of our staff
are’……….. Will be correct usage.

2. Ans (3): Replace ‘not much of us’. ‘Much’ is used before Uncountable Noun and many is used
before Countable Noun.

3. Ans (3): It will be proper to use Active Voice. Hence, replace ‘should be selected’ by ‘should

4. Ans (5): No error

5. Ans (3): Replace group of words ‘just about to be’ by ‘just to be’ or ‘about to be’.

6. Ans (1): Replace group of words ‘Base on the research’ by ‘Based on the research’. It is proper to
use Past Participle form of Verb ‘base’

7. Ans (3): Replace connective

8. Ans (3): Replace ‘their work seriously if they’ by ‘their work seriously if they’. An Adverb should
be used to modify a Verb

9. Ans (1): ‘Any of these branches’ expresses singular subject. Hence, it will take Singular Verb.

10. Ans (5): No Error.

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