SBI CLERK 2018 Reasoning Quiz No- 4 “Puzzle”
On this quiz no 04 you will practice “Puzzle” for bank exams like SBI Clerk Pre 2018, IBPS Clerk Pre, IBPS RRB 2018 and other 2018 banking exams with detailed Solution, all types of Puzzle questions with solution at free of cost.
There are Seven different Mobile Shops – A, B, C, D, E, F and G sold Mobiles
starting from Monday to Sunday (of the same week) not necessarily in same
order. The number of Mobiles sold by the Seven Mobile shops in seven different
days are 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 15 and 27 (not necessarily in same order). The colour
of the mobile of seven different shops are – Grey, Black, Blue, Red, White, Gold
and Silver.
The store with the highest number of mobiles have White colour and the store
with the least number of mobiles have black colour. The shop which sold more
than 12 mobiles(not an odd number) is immediately after the one which sold 12
mobiles. Shop F sold more number of mobiles than Shop D. The Shop ‘A’ sold
mobiles on one of the days after Friday. On Wednesday, the number of mobiles
sold are 12. The difference between the number of mobiles sold on Monday and
Friday is the multiple of the number 7. There are two shops between the shop F
and the shop which one sold 4 mobiles. Shop B sold mobiles on one of the days
immediately before the shop that sold 9 mobiles. There are two shops between
B and G. There are three shops between the shop F and D. C not sold the least
number of mobiles. The sum of mobiles sold on Wednesday and Saturday is
more than ten and the sum equals to the number of mobiles sold on Friday. The
difference between the number of mobiles sold by Shop B and G is less than
five. The Shop which sold 9 mobiles not on Friday. The shop F sold the mobiles
on one of the days after the shop which sold 4 mobiles. The store B has Gold
colour mobiles. The store which sold Red colour mobiles immediately after the
one which sold Blue Colour. Shop D did not sell Silver mobiles.
Answer : 15
Days Shops Number of Mobiles Colour
Monday D 6 Grey
Tuesday E 4 Black
Wednesday G 12 Blue
Thursday C 18 Red
Friday F 27 White
Saturday B 15 Gold
Sunday A 9 Silver